Hsclink Health Unm Edu (2025)

1. Email | Technology Support | Chief Information Office | UNM Health ...

  • Access Your HSC Email. HSC uses HSCLink as a secure and safe email program. All HSC employees receive an account for the duration of their employment.

  • All UNM HSC employees receive email addresses through HSCLink, our internal email program. Learn more about getting an account and setting up an inbox on your mobile device.

2. For Employees | UNM Health System | Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • For Employees · HSCLink – Check your email remotely. · Learning Central – Register for and take online courses that build your workplace skills and knowledge.

  • If you work at a UNM Health System facility, take advantage of online resources that make your job easier.

3. UNM Health Sciences Center: HSCMobile

4. [PDF] Forward your @unm to @salud With the switch over to the HSCLink ...

  • With the switch over to the HSCLink (Exchange) email system, we had to combine and share address books, which displays both the main campus IT created @unm ...

5. UNM HSC Zoom - Video Conferencing

  • UNM Health Sciences Logo. Video Conferencing. Join. Connect to a meeting in progress. Host. Start a meeting. Sign in. Configure your account. Made with Zoom.

  • UNM HSC Zoom installation

6. Configuring your mobile device - Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch ...

  • Type your username as HEALTH\{username}. 9. Ensure the server field reads HSCLink.health.unm.edu . After your device verifies server settings, Account ...

7. Results - Find Answers

  • How Do I Get Adobe Creative Cloud? Updated As an Adobe Creative Campus, students at UNM Albuquerque, UNM Health & Health Sciences, Taos, Los Alamos, and ...

8. UNM Health System | Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • Bevat niet: hsclink | Resultaten tonen met:hsclink

  • UNM Health System is New Mexico's health care leader and the state's only academic medical center. | 40+ adult & child specialty services | Top 5% in the U.S. for clinical care.

9. Hsclink Unm Email Login

  • Log into Hsclink Unm Email in a single click. No need to wander anywhere.

10. 2024 Hsc unm edu email

  • Call (505) 272-5849 All UNM HSC employees receive email addresses through HSCLink, our internal email program. 2500 Marble Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Health ...

  • 404

Hsclink Health Unm Edu (2025)


How do I check my UNM email? ›

The easiest way to access LoboMail using a supported browser is by URL: lobomail.unm.edu.
  1. Using a supported browser, point your browser to lobomail.unm.edu (or click the link).
  2. Enter your UNM email address (<netid>@unm.edu, where <netid> is your UNM NetID; (ex: lobolucy@unm.edu) and click "Next".
Jul 17, 2012

What is UNM care program? ›

UNM Care and Out-of-County Care are programs to help you pay medical costs for health care services at UNM Hospital. UNM Care and Out-of-County Care are not insurance. Our goal is to help you pay for the care you need, so you don't postpone or avoid getting treatment.

How do I set up a UNM email? ›

NetID and UNM Email

Or, by going to https://my.unm.edu and clicking on the link titled “Create a UNM NetID.” You will need your birth date and social security number to complete the process. When you create a NetID, a UNM email account is automatically created for you in this format: @unm.edu.

What does UNM hospital stand for? ›

University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH) is home to the best and brightest health care providers in our great state. As the only academic health center in New Mexico, we care for patients with the most complex health needs in the Southwest—regardless of a family's ability to pay.

How do I set up UNM email on my Iphone? ›

  1. Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Accounts > Add Account. ...
  2. Tap Microsoft Exchange. ...
  3. Type the information requested in the Email, Description boxes. You need to type your full email address in the Email box (example: fred@salud.unm.edu) and Tap Next.
  4. Tap on Sign In.
  5. Enter your password when prompted and tap Sign In.

Does New Mexico have free healthcare? ›

Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to eligible needy persons.

How does UNM medical school rank? ›

In the category of “Best Medical Schools: Research,” UNM is ranked tier-3.

How much is UNM tuition for medical school? ›

New Mexico Tuition Costs (2023 Data From MSAR)
New Mexico Medical SchoolYearly Tuition In-StateYearly Tuition Out-of-State
University of New Mexico School of Medicine$20,152$48,388
Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine$66,249$66,249
Jun 19, 2024

What is the email format for UNM Edu? ›

Most Common Email Formats at The University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico Email FormatsExamplePercentage

What is an example of a NetID? ›

Your NetID is the part of your e-mail address before the @ symbol. For example, if your email address were jdoe123@uis.edu, your NetID would be jdoe123. Your NetID has a password associated with it, this password is commonly called your NetID password.

How do I contact UNM Edu? ›

CALL US - Communications Center can be reached at 505-277-8900 or 1-800-CALLUNM.

Did UNM Hospital get an F? ›

They were assigned an overall numerical score based on that performance which corresponds to an 'F' grade,” Missy Danforth said. Out of the 2800 hospitals surveyed nationwide only 11 received a failing grade which ranks UNMH among the lower-performing hospitals in the country according to the Leapfrog Group survey.

Who is the owner of UNM Hospital? ›

The following year, the university assumed operation of the hospital, although Bernalillo County maintained ownership of the facility and property. The name was officially changed to University of New Mexico Hospital in 1979. The hospital has expanded several times over the years.

How many hospitals does UNM have? ›

The University of New Mexico Hospitals is comprised of the following operating units: University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH), University of New Mexico Psychiatric Center (UPC), University of New Mexico Carrie Tingley Hospital (CTH), University of New Mexico Children's Psychiatric Center (CPC) and University of New ...

How do I access my University of Oklahoma email? ›

Accessing your OU E-mail via the Web
  1. To login: Enter your OU e-mail address as your username. ...
  2. Click the Sign in button and your OU e-mail account should open.
  3. After signing in, you will be prompted to authenticate with PingID. For information on how to authenticate with PingID, please see this article.
Sep 6, 2020

How do I access my American University email? ›

E-Mail Options

Accessing your e-mail through the web at mail.american.edu. Accessing your e-mail through a mobile device using Outlook Mobile, see Apple or Android instructions. Using an IMAP client. You can search our online Knowledge Base to locate the necessary instructions.

How do I access my TMU email? ›

Signing in to Gmail

Go to my.torontomu.ca (opens in new window) in any web browser. Click the button, Log in to my. torontomu. You will be prompted by TMU's Central Authentication Service (CAS) to log in with your TMU credentials.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6154

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.